UIN Suska Riau’s Informatics Engineering study program offers various facilities that is adequate, like a computer lab that is equipped with the latest hardware and software, a comfortable classroom, and a fast and stable internet access to support the students and lecturers on learning activities and research
UIN Suska Riau’s Informatics Engineering Study Program have a laboratory that is equipped with new and high tech equipment to support the teaching and learning process and research for the students and the lecturers
UIN Suska Riau’s Informatics Engineering Study Program have a comfortable classroom equipped with tables for the students & lecturers, and also a projector to support teaching and learning process for the students
Latest News
Latest News about research, accomplishments and campus life
Kurikulum 2011 Teknik Informatika UIN Suska Riau
Berikut adalah kurikulum Jurusan Teknik Informatika tahun 2011: No. KODE Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Prasyarat Semester I 1 UIN 1103 Agama 1 (Aqidah) 2 - 2 UIN 1101 Pendidikan Pancasila 2 - 3 UIN 1109 Bahasa Indonesia 2 - 4 TIF 2101 Kalkulus 1 3 - 5 TIF 2107 Pengantar...
Tentang Teknik Informatika
Program Studi: Teknik Informatika Fakultas: Sains dan Teknologi Perguruan Tinggi: Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Bulan dan Tahun Penyelenggaraan PS Pertama Kali: September 1999 Nomor SK Pendirian PS: 4469/D/T/2004 Tanggal SK: 14 Mei 1999 Pejabat...
Kisruh Pemira Itu Biasa, Teknologi E-Voting FASTE Luar Biasa
Kedewasaan politik dikalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi mulai dapat dirasakan. Alotnya pemilihan raya ditingkat fakultas ini telah membuktikan bahwa mahasiswa FST memang sangat mengharapkan perubahan di FST. Pemira yang sempat memanas ini akhirnya...
Peserta Lulus Untuk Mengikuti Wawancara – Summer Belgia 2015
Terima kasih atas partisipasinya pada kegiatan Summer Belgia 2015. Berikut daftar peserta yang berhak untuk mengikuti tahap seleksi berikutnya yaitu wawancara. Melati Octavia – Faculty of Da’wah & Communication Yusri Ardi – 7th – 3.43 – Information System, FST...
Hasil Wawancara – Summer Belgia 2015
Alhamdulilah proses wawancara telah berhasil kita lewati. Semua menunjukkan potensi mahasiswa yang sangat luar biasa. Dengan kemampuan berbahasa yang baik, knowledge yang baik dan ide-ide yang cemerlang dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan seputar energy, biomass,...
Active Students
Informatics Engineering
Informatics Engineering in the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau is one of the study programs that is offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Informatics Engineering Curriculum
Higher Education Curriculum is a set of plans and regulations such as contents, research materials, and also the study materials, and also the study materials as well of how its delivered and evaluation that is used for guidelines for implementing learning activities in the college. The curriculum of the Informatics Engineering Study Program of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau is focused on developing technical capabilities and professional competencies in the field of information and communication technology.
