UIN Suska Riau’s Informatics Engineering study program offers various facilities that is adequate, like a computer lab that is equipped with the latest hardware and software, a comfortable classroom, and a fast and stable internet access to support the students and lecturers on learning activities and research
UIN Suska Riau’s Informatics Engineering Study Program have a laboratory that is equipped with new and high tech equipment to support the teaching and learning process and research for the students and the lecturers
UIN Suska Riau’s Informatics Engineering Study Program have a comfortable classroom equipped with tables for the students & lecturers, and also a projector to support teaching and learning process for the students
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Prosedur Tugas Akhir (TA)
Panduan Penulisan Tugas Akhir (TA) Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
Silakan unduh panduan penulisan Tugas Akhir (TA) Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika PEDOMAN PENULISAN SKRIPSI MAHASISWA-TIF Unduh formulir pengurusan Tugas Akhir: 01. Form Kartu Bimbingan -Front 02. Form Kartu Bimbingan -Back Form Surat Izin TA Prodi TIF Form TA B0 -Bukti...
Informatics Engineering Curriculum
KURIKULUM TEKNIK INFORMATIKA TAHUN 2020 No Mata Kuliah Kode SKS Prasyarat Lulus Minimal D Semester I 1 Aqidah Akhlak UIN2001 2 - 2 Studi Al-Quran UIN2002 2 3 Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan UIN2003 2 4 Bahasa Indonesia UIN2004 2 - 5 Kalkulus PIF1110 3 - 6 Tata Tulis...
PBAK Tahap II FST UIN Suska Riau
Topic: PBAK TAHAP II FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI UIN SULTAN SYARIF KASIM RIAU 2020 Time: Nov 4, 2020 07:00 AM Pekanbaru Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92855011368?pwd=YzJPV1JBZ3dieXhENmk1RnduTzAxdz09 Meeting ID: 928 5501 1368 Passcode: pbak2fst Prodi: 1. Teknik...
Jadwal Perkuliahan Teknik informatika
Silakan download Jadwal 2020-2021
Dosen Teknik Informatika UIN Suska Sebagai Narasumber Webinar Bibliometrik dan Publikasi Tulisan Ilmiah
Senin, 24 Agustus 2020 Prodi Magister Informatika UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta telah menyelenggarakan webinar seri 5 yang mengangkat tema tentang publikasi yang berjudul "Bibliometrik dan Publikasi Tulisan Ilmiah" dengan mengundang dua narasumber yakni Bapak DR....
Perpanjangan Pengisian KRS Semeter Ganjil T.A. 2020/2021
Revisi Kalender Akademik Semester Ganjil T.A. 2020/2021
Panduan dan Informasi Akademik T.A. 2018/2019
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Informatics Engineering
Informatics Engineering in the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau is one of the study programs that is offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Informatics Engineering Curriculum
Higher Education Curriculum is a set of plans and regulations such as contents, research materials, and also the study materials, and also the study materials as well of how its delivered and evaluation that is used for guidelines for implementing learning activities in the college. The curriculum of the Informatics Engineering Study Program of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau is focused on developing technical capabilities and professional competencies in the field of information and communication technology.
