Info Mahasiswa


Tugas Besar Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah TIF II F&G

Silahkan buat makalah yang merangkum minimal 3 Jurnal Internasional berbahasa Inggris menjadi satu judul baru Makalah ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia mengikuti kaidah penulisan yang benar sebanyak 5 halaman Makalah harus mengikuti format yang telah ditentukan (Klik di...

Assignment as Final Exams in Artificial Intelligence Subject (TIF VIA & B)

Kindly write a paper regarding Artificial Intelligence, (choose one of the topics: blind search, heuristic method, genetic algorithm, expert system, data mining and so on) You should be write in English (5 pages), follow the given format (Click here for download the...

Artificial Intelligence (Slides and Info)

General Info: Course web page: Lecture Notes* PowerPoint Slides available on the course web page Will be updated during the term if necessary Assessment Quiz Homework Assignments Individual Research Report Group Project Mid Test (Computer...

Academic Writing

General Info: Course web page: Lecture Notes* PowerPoint Slides available on the course web page Will be updated during the term if necessary Assessment Quiz Homework Assignments Group Project Mid Test (Computer Assisted Test) Final...